„Milujeme tradičné animačné techniky, kresbu, ručnú tvorbu, originálny prístup, odvážne vizuálne riešenia a zrelý syr." Za týmto tvrdením stoja šikovné devy z autorskej dvojice Ové Pictures - Veronika Obertová a Michaela Čopíková.
Nielen záľuba v zrelých syroch spája Ové a Puojd. Pre kolekciu „I wish I was sweet“ vytvorili tri promo videá o gumených medvedíkoch, ktoré v júni 2011 odštartovali prehliadku Nu Spirit Fashion a vyčarili ľuďom úsmev na tvári. Dve veselé a pracovité Ové sa môžu pýšiť úspechmi na medzinárodnej úrovni akým je okrem účasti na mnohých celosvetových festivalových súťažiach napríklad aj prvé miesto na americkom festivale krátkeho animovaného filmu AniMazSpot 2012 za film Dust and Glitter, ktorý na MFF Bratislava 2011 získal cenu UniCredit Bank za divácky najúspešnejší slovenský film.
Ové sme vyspovedali, ako to s animáciou na Slovensku vlastne chodí.
Ové sme vyspovedali, ako to s animáciou na Slovensku vlastne chodí.
Pred tým, než vzniklo Ové Pictures, pracovali ste v odbore každá zvlášť? Aký je rozdiel medzi prácou v tíme a samostatnou tvorbou?
My dve sme začali spolupracovať a pomáhať si už počas študentských čias. Berta študovala na VŠVU odbor grafický dizajn a Miša animovanú tvorbu na VŠMU. Najprv sme si pomáhali pri realizovaní školských projektov, spoločne sme hľadali technické riešenia, navzájom sme si radili a ukazovali jedna druhej veci z odboru, ktorý sme študovali. No a potom sa tak prirodzene vynorila otázka, že čo ďalej a keďže naše sny alebo ciele sú vlastne dosť podobné, rozhodli sme sa svoje sily spojiť a vytvoriť spoločnú značku. Rozdiel medzi prácou v tíme a samostatnou tvorbou je hlavne ten, že pri realizovaní projektu vedieme neustály dialóg a hľadáme najlepšiu variantu pre dobro projektu. Často takto objavíme niečo nečakané, alebo iné a takisto v tíme je väčšia sranda.
Aké boli vaše začiatky?
Po škole sme najprv obidve rok pracovali v štúdiu Vertex Creation, čo bola skvelá skúsenosť, ale keďže sme obidve mali ambíciu venovať sa viac autorským prístupom a projektom, rozhodli sme sa ísť na vlastnú päsť, aj s vedomím, že ideme žiť skromne. Od začiatku nám bolo jasné, že z vecí, ktoré robíme najradšej, ako sú krátke filmy alebo videoklipy, sa jednoducho žiť nedá, a tak sa stále snažíme nájsť rovnováhu medzi komerčnými zákazkami a voľnou tvorbou.
Stále sa máme čo učiť, ale s vlastnou značkou je to ako s dieťaťom, všetko okolo neho vás proste veľmi baví a fascinuje a prebdené noci plné práce k tomu tiež akosi patria (akože nemáme deti, ale tak to hovoria tí, čo ich majú).
Je možné uživiť sa animáciou? Máte ambíciu byť veľká produkčná spoločnosť?
Sme na začiatku pátrania ako sa uživiť animáciou, ale určite existuje reklama a existujú aj pekné komerčné zákazky, kde klienti hľadajú nejaký zaujímavý koncept alebo vizuál. Minulý rok sme pracovali napríklad najmä na zvučkách a animovaných sekvenciách pre dokumentárne cykly, ale vytvorili sme aj tri videoklipy, z toho jeden pre Janu Kirschner a dva pre amerických muzikantov. Určite nemáme ambíciu byť veľká produkčná spoločnosť, ale radi by sme produkovali svoje veci.
Ako sa správa dokonalý klient?
Skvelí klienti sú takí, ktorí chápu, že štýlom „do zajtra a zadarmo“ sa nedá spraviť nič výnimočné.
Myslíte si, že podmienky na prácu v tomto odbore na Slovensku sú v porovnaní so svetom rovnocenné? Slovenská a česká animácia má silnú tradíciu, črtá sa nám tu v súčasnosti nejaký „nový Švankmajer“?
Podmienky na prácu v umení a v kultúre sú na Slovensku biednejšie ako niekde v západnej Európe alebo v USA, ale zase keby sme boli z Burkina Faso, možno by sme si povedali, že na tom Slovensku je to celkom fajn... My sme odtiaľto a rozumieme, že česko-slovenská tradícia v animovanom filme má istý zvuk a šmrnc vo svete, ale rozumieme aj tomu, že kontinuita bola porušená a dnes nič z toho u nás už nemáme a slovenské deti nepozerajú slovenské animované filmy a aj sa ich tu vyrobí ročne ako šafranu. Túto situáciu sa tu síce snaží prelomiť pár jednotlivcov, ale ono sa to nezmení len tak, chce to veľa odhodlania a energie ľudí, ktorí sa snažia kvalitnú animáciu a animované filmy dostať späť k divákom.
Tak Švankmajer je len jeden, vlastne oni už dvaja sú, Jan aj jeho syn Václav robia vlastné skvelé a nenapodobiteľné veci. U nás je tiež niekoľko špeciálnych autorov, takže sa nemusíme hanbiť.
A na záver - aké sú vaše plány do budúcnosti?
Tento rok sa venujeme produkcii nášho nového krátkeho animovaného filmu o strachu s pracovným názvom Nina & Ondro. Premiéra je naplánovaná na september 2013. Popritom pracujeme s Danielou Krajčovou na novom dokumentárno-animovanom filme režisérky Viery Čákanyovej. Okrem toho neustále rozvíjame projekt HUG/OBJATIE. Objatie je téma, ktorou sa zaoberáme už dlhšie a vytvorili sme k nej sériu ilustrácií a tričiek. Najbližšie tento náš projekt predstavíme v Berlíne počas festivalu Pictoplasma, a potom by sa mal objaviť v Sofii počas Sophia Design Weeku. A nakoniec z tohto projektu plánujeme vyrobiť knižku, ale to si nechávame až na ten ďalší rok. :)
Veríme, že s Ové Pictures ešte vytvoríme veľa pekných spoluprác, lebo Puojd je Ové positive! A že Ové sú Puojd positive ukázal aj fakt, že z fotenia odišla Miška ako Lasica a Berta ako Kocúrik.
REEL 2012 from Ové Pictures on Vimeo.
Viac o Ové sa dozviete na týchto zákutiach internetu:
Web: www.ovepictures.com
E-mail: ove@ovepictures.com
FB: www.facebook.com/ovepictures
Photo: Matej Hakár
Web: www.ovepictures.com
E-mail: ove@ovepictures.com
FB: www.facebook.com/ovepictures
Photo: Matej Hakár
Styling: Puojd sveter Kocúrik, Puojd sveter Lasica, Puojd kabátik Kabaňa, Ové Pictures tričká, medvedí šperk Lucia Bartková
"We love traditional animation techniques, drawing, handmade production, the original approach, bold visual solutions and mature cheese." This quote comes from a gifted duo of Slovak animation filmmakers - Veronika Obertová and Michaela Čopíková aka Ové Pictures.
Love of mature cheese isn't the only thing Ové and Puojd have in common. These two created three promotional videos revolving around gummy bears for Puojd's "I Wish I Was Sweet" collection which kicked off the Nu Spirit Fashion Show in June 2011 and put smiles on attendees' faces. The cheerful and diligent Ové girls can boast a number of international achievements, such as winning the Best of Festival Award at AniMazSpot 2012 for their animated short "Dust and Glitter".
We interviewed the girls to find out more about their work.
Did both of you work on your own before you founded Ové Pictures? What is the difference between team- and individual work?
We have started collaborating and helping each other out back in our student years. Veronika was studying Graphic Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and Design whilst Michaela was studying Animation at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. At first, we worked together on our school projects, mutually tried to find technical solutions, gave advice one another and showed each other stuff from our study fields. Then, naturally, the question of what to do next arose and since our dreams and goals are actually quite similar, we decided to join forces and create our own brand. The main difference between working in team and individually is the constant dialogue between us while working on a project and the fact that we trying to find the best option for the project. We often discover something unexpected and it's more fun being in a team as well.
How were your beginnings?
We worked together at Vertex Creation for a year after graduating. It was a great opportunity, but since both of us had the ambition to pursue our own projects we decided to work on our own. We've known from the beginning we can't make a living out of the things we like to do the most, such as shorts or music videos, so we try to find a balance between contract and independent work. We still have a lot to learn, but having your own brand is in ways like having a kid, everything related to it is engaging and fascinating, and you can't avoid some sleepless nights (not that we have kids of our own, but those who do say so).
Is it possible to make a living as animators? Do you have an ambition to become a big production company?
We are just in our beginnings of discovering how to make a living doing animation, but there's definitely advertising and there's contract work where clients are looking for an interesting concept or visual aspect. Last year we mainly worked on opening credits and animated sequences for documentary series, but we also made three music videos, one for Slovak singer Jana Kirschner and the other two for artists from the US. We definitely don't have an ambition to become a big production company, but we would like to continue producing our own stuff.
How does a perfect client behave?
Great clients are the ones who understand that you cannot make anything extraordinary with the "by tomorrow and for free" approach.
Great clients are the ones who understand that you cannot make anything extraordinary with the "by tomorrow and for free" approach.
Do you think that the working conditions for animators in Slovakia are comparable to those worldwide? Slovak and Czech animation has a strong tradition, is there an upcoming "new Švankmajer"?
The working conditions in arts and culture in Slovakia are comparably worse than those in Western Europe or USA, yet if we had come from Burkina Faso we probably would have thought it is not so bad in Slovakia... We come from here and we understand that the Czechoslovak animation tradition is renowned in the world, but we also understand that the continuity was interrupted and all is gone. Slovak children don't watch Slovak animated films anymore and only few are made every year. There's a couple of individuals who are trying to turn the situation around, but it is going to take a lot of determination and energy of people, who are trying to bring quality animation and animated films back to the audience. There's only one Švankmajer, actually two, Jan and his son Václav whose work is brilliant and inimitable. But we also have several rather special artists so we have nothing to be embarrassed about.
One final question - what are your plans for the future?
This year we are working on production of a new animated short about fear under working title "Nina & Ondro". The premiere is scheduled for September 2013. Meanwhile we are working with Daniela Krajčová on a new documentary/animated film directed by Viera Čákanyová. Additionally, we are constantly developing our project called "HUG/OBJATIE". Hug is a topic we have been working on for quite some time and we have created series of illustrations and T-shirts within this subject matter. We will present this project at the Pictoplasma Festival in Berlin and later at Sophia Design Week. And finally, we plan to create a book out of this project, but we are leaving that for the next year. :)
We believe there are many successful future collaborations in store for us, because Puojd is Ové positive! And Ové proved to be Puojd positive as Michaela left after the photoshoot as a Weasel and Veronika as a Tomcat.
Check out the following links to find out more about Ové:
Web: www.ovepictures.com
E-mail: ove@ovepictures.com
FB: www.facebook.com/ovepictures
The working conditions in arts and culture in Slovakia are comparably worse than those in Western Europe or USA, yet if we had come from Burkina Faso we probably would have thought it is not so bad in Slovakia... We come from here and we understand that the Czechoslovak animation tradition is renowned in the world, but we also understand that the continuity was interrupted and all is gone. Slovak children don't watch Slovak animated films anymore and only few are made every year. There's a couple of individuals who are trying to turn the situation around, but it is going to take a lot of determination and energy of people, who are trying to bring quality animation and animated films back to the audience. There's only one Švankmajer, actually two, Jan and his son Václav whose work is brilliant and inimitable. But we also have several rather special artists so we have nothing to be embarrassed about.
One final question - what are your plans for the future?
This year we are working on production of a new animated short about fear under working title "Nina & Ondro". The premiere is scheduled for September 2013. Meanwhile we are working with Daniela Krajčová on a new documentary/animated film directed by Viera Čákanyová. Additionally, we are constantly developing our project called "HUG/OBJATIE". Hug is a topic we have been working on for quite some time and we have created series of illustrations and T-shirts within this subject matter. We will present this project at the Pictoplasma Festival in Berlin and later at Sophia Design Week. And finally, we plan to create a book out of this project, but we are leaving that for the next year. :)
We believe there are many successful future collaborations in store for us, because Puojd is Ové positive! And Ové proved to be Puojd positive as Michaela left after the photoshoot as a Weasel and Veronika as a Tomcat.
Check out the following links to find out more about Ové:
Web: www.ovepictures.com
E-mail: ove@ovepictures.com
FB: www.facebook.com/ovepictures
Photo: Matej Hakár
Styling: Puojd sweater Tomcat, Puojd sveter Weasel, Puojd coat Kabaňa, Ové Pictures T-shirts, bear necklace Lucia Bartková
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